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Urgent Diabetes Breakthrough for Men - Stop Making These Devastating Diabetes Mistakes

Hey, Matt Cook here, and I've discovered a profound and shocking blood sugar breakthrough...

...perfect for men experiencing wide swings in blood sugar -- or blood sugar that is too high.

And if you have diabetes or prediabetes, this will be the most life-changing short report you ever read.

This short report will answer questions like:

  • Why do I have high blood sugar?
  • Are low carb diets the way to go?
  • What are the diabetes drugs REALLY doing to my body?
  • And how can I do better the natural way, so my doctor can take me off diabetes drugs?

And let me assure you that with this breakthrough, there are no extreme dietary changes called for...

There are no crazy diets.

One thing that many guys who have blood sugar problems often try is low carb dieting.

They try it because they think:

  • Diabetes is a problem that results in high blood sugar
  • So it seems reasonable that if you don't consume carbs or sugar, your blood sugar will become normal

However, the facts say that going low carb is a mistake.

Look, here's a fact that the low carb people never talk about:

Every diabetic man knows that you can wake up with very high blood sugar, 120, 200, even 300...

...and yet you have consumed ZERO sugar...ZERO carbs...because you've been sleeping!

This shows that you can have high blood sugar after eating nothing but protein and fat — no carbs, no sugar at all.

So, how can it be that your blood sugar goes up when you consume nothing, or when you consume nothing but protein and fat and zero carbs?

Google shows millions of searches for this exact puzzle:

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The reason is that when you go on a low sugar-low starch diet, your body releases large amounts of what are called free fatty acids into your bloodstream.

Free fatty acids are nothing but fat. Pure fat.

And that fat then infiltrates your cells and the cells burn the fat but are unable to burn sugar.

So sugar piles up in the bloodstream...

That is why diabetic men have high blood sugar -- because their cells are busy burning fat and cannot burn sugar.

Dr. Randle discovered in the early 1960s how cells that are burning primarily fat cannot burn sugar at all!

That's the fundamental problem diabetics have. Their cells are jammed up with burning fats and cannot burn sugar.

And there's something else about eliminating carbs and sugar that is very bad for the human body, especially the male body.

The body needs sugar to live!

So if you eat a low carb diet, now the body has to make its own sugar.

And the only way the body knows how to do this is by literally dissolving and breaking down your tissues and organs to create sugar.

It's a process called gluconeogenesis.

So your skin, your kidneys, your brain -- it's all getting dissolved.

And now you're losing valuable precious muscle and organ tissue.

This is a dangerous result and it is why low carb approaches to diabetes are very, very harmful.

This is why I see men with fasting blood sugars of 110 or 120 because they're limiting carbs.

And these guys on the low carb diets are usually doing WORSE than the guys who aren't.

Limiting carbs increases stress hormones.

Stress hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, histamine, serotonin, and the big one that men don't want a lot of -- estrogen.

These are all stress hormones that in high levels result in massive inflammation throughout the body.

And these stress hormones almost always lead to ED in men -- especially men with diabetes...

In fact, the worst consequence of diabetes for men is often the fact that they can't have partner sex anymore.

In one recent study, it was found that 85% of diabetic men have rockiness problems which prevent them from having partner sex.

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And when stress hormones are high, it only makes things in the bedroom worse for the diabetic men...

...because high stress hormones lower testosterone...

And when men have low testosterone and high estrogen, erections can become extremely rare if not impossible.

The sad truth is that most of what men have been told about diabetes is 100% wrong.

The diabetes industry is huge and Big Pharma is very interested in selling pills and insulin and not very interested in making men healthy.

Most men start out with what they call prediabetes, and oftentimes they are prescribed some dietary interventions and the drug Metformin.

We know now that these dietary interventions often make things worse (low or no carb diets)...

And what about the pills? Diabetes drugs like Metformin?

Metformin raises inflammatory lactate levels in the bloodstream.

Lactate is one of the worst things that you can increase in your bloodstream.

And diabetics are prone to higher levels of lactate already.

Too much lactate causes retinal problems, vision problems...

It's why so many diabetic go blind or end up with neuropathy and numbness -- and eventually poor circulation.

Too much lactate can shut the kidneys down and make you end up needing dialysis.

It can cause you to lose your toes and end up in a wheelchair. All from lactate.

And yet, Metformin, one of the most popular drugs for diabetes, raises lactate.

So with all of this questionable treatment, the prediabetic man often ends up a full blown diabetic.

And Big Pharma has scored another win...

Because the diabetic industry is a $50 billion a year one — incredibly profitable for the Big Pharma companies...

The only thing that isn't profitable is curing a diabetic.

Because if you're healthy, what use will you have for Big Pharma and their drugs?

So today, we are treating blood sugar issues with expensive and toxic medications.

And these medications are often only making men sicker and sicker.

And when all these drugs fail to help your diabetes, you'll be told to start injecting yourself with insulin...

But even the American Diabetic Association says that insulin injections for type 2 diabetics make your diabetes worse.

Not to mention how expensive it is. And hard to get.

Drug companies just keep raising insulin prices to make more profits.

And meanwhile, men are left to suffer.

Now please note, I'm not ever suggesting you stop medications. You need to consult with your doctor on that.

What I am suggesting is that if you are a healthy person who has been diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes (type 2)...

...then you may be able to modify your lifestyle so your doctor will take you OFF these pills.

Will I say that my breakthrough is a cure for diabetes?

Not at all.

I don't know if there's a cure for diabetes, but I do see that most men can reverse the symptoms and pretty much get off of Metformin and all the other crap they are given and be fine.

Plus, the sex life of the man will come roaring back -- a huge advantage of my approach!

And unlike low-carb dieting and other terrible approaches, this actually works and you will get measurable results often within a few weeks.

I call it Diabetes Reversal -- and it's designed for any man with wonky blood sugar, prediabetes, or type II...

We'll be getting the body to burn sugar again with one simple little tweak...

One "sipping" activity that turns you into a sugar-burning machine...

Because the truth is, your body is already producing the cells that can naturally fight diabetes and help you control blood sugar on your own.

I'm talking about beta cells that fuel your pancreas and help the body burn sugar for energy.

A lot of what diabetics and prediabetics are told to do to manage diabetes symptoms actually kills off these important beta cells.

However, once you stop this cycle you can actually get these cells back, burn sugar, and say goodbye to diabetes symptoms for good.

That's when you'll start feeling radically're entering a new world you thought you had left behind forever...

Because male sexuality wakes up at this point -- it roars back -- and some men experience rapid recovery of erections and ejaculations!

Step by step, starting with your blood sugar, you are transforming your health and sexual performance.

Many men have done it, including famous men.

Pastors. Rabbis. Politicians. Celebrities.

With Diabetes Reversal, I'm giving you the keys to the castle -- the ability to kick start your body into burning sugar again.

Now that your cells are becoming able to burn sugar again, your blood sugar drops.

Your doctor will say, "I don't know what you are doing, but whatever it is, keep doing it!"

And you'll be able to have him take you OFF your medications. You won't need them anymore.

It's all possible with Diabetes Reversal... and today you're getting access for just $1.00!

That's right -- Diabetes Reversal can be yours for just one single dollar...

And this is really an incredible deal because Diabetes Reversal is valued at more than $1,000 on its own...

But you're getting it all for just $1.00 today!

And I'm giving it away for this incredibly low price because I want to make Diabetes Reversal available to as many men as possible.

I'm a mission you see... to help as a many men as a I can break free from the medical rathole and enjoy the best sex life possible.

So today, just one single buck starts you out on everything -- and just look at what you're getting!

Here’s Everything You’re Getting with Diabetes Reversal:

Kick Start Your Body Bonus Module

Discover how to use the super simple "sippy cup" activity to kick start your body into burning sugar again. Once your body is burning sugar again instead of just fat, you will begin experiencing tremendous health and sex benefits like perfect blood sugar, normal blood pressure, less belly fat, better erections, and more sexual stamina, without needing harmful pills or injections.

$97 Value
10 Super Foods

Stop eating food you hate, and start devouring your favorite, delicious foods with my 10 SuperFoods that help reverse diabetes. No more avoiding sugar, now you can eat foods loaded with sugar while LOWERING your blood sugar. After just a week or two, you'll be energized, healthier, and best of all experiencing a daily boost to your libido. With my 10 SuperFoods, you'll be like a whole new man.

$97 Value
The Special Diabetes Reversing Breakfast for Men

Exact simple instructions on how to reverse diabetic symptoms by avoiding certain foods that EVERYONE mistakenly thinks are "good for you" but in reality cause diabetic symptoms and eventually the total loss of the pancreas beta cells. It isn't too late! Just eat this special breakfast and watch your blood sugar normalize on its own.

$97 Value
The Cellular Smoothie

You’re getting the simple recipe to beat Diabetes with a simple smoothie you'll put together in seconds every day (and you can pre-mix it if you want.) So you'll easily be able to enjoy your food and watch your blood sugar normalize on its own. You'll find things on this list that you can eat including, believe it or not, Cokes, ice cream, even pizza and beer. But you'll also have a list of surprising foods that are easy to avoid -- and that may be causing your diabetes symptoms so you SHOULD avoid these foods.

$97 Value
Simple Supplement Protocols

Simple, inexpensive supplements that help diabetics reverse their diabetes, some costing literally one penny. Backed up by Harvard studies, you will NEVER read this anywhere else because Big Pharma has brainwashed doctors into prescribing high priced drugs instead of these natural remedies.

$97 Value
Diabetic Reversal ED Protocol

Diabetic men who reverse their diabetes with my simple system find that their penis wakes up...erections get stronger, bigger, thicker even… And your wife or girlfriend starts remarking on how much longer you’re lasting, and how often you’re ready to go, seemingly on a dime! She is loving the new you and it’s because your sugars are right and powering up your penis instead of poisoning it…

$97 Value
Surprise Bonuses (unadvertised)

The Magic of Letting Go: How would you like to just really be yourself, and have women be powerfully attracted to you just as you are, rather than trying to be someone else? All it takes is this one little switch...

Sex Twice a Day Formula: Doesn't sex every day for the rest of your life sound nice? I'm showing you how easy it is to get your partner on the same page with you and wanting to do it every day, even twice a day...for the rest of your life...

Instant Arousal Guide: Imagine living life in a constant state of arousal where everything you do is fun and exciting, and your sexual energy is at an all-time high. With this, you are reaching a new beautiful erotic state of pleasure and you can even get a woman to do it for you if you want...

10 Ways to Get a Closed Woman to Open Her Legs: Bring the spark back into your sexual relationship with a woman, even if she's lost her enthusiasm, and get her opening herself back up to you in more ways than one...

Become the Man All the Other Men Want to Be: This is about bringing out the very best in yourself, your true self...and being the man all men -- and women -- respect and want to be around...

Touch Her and Make Her Come: I'll show you just how powerful a single touch can it makes a woman start spreading her legs, rubbing herself, moaning your name, and practically pleading for you to enter her and give her what she craves...

Living Your Best Life Now: Wouldn't it be nice to be free of all past negative experiences once and for all, for a brighter, lighter, happier future? Now it's possible to leave behind that one particular event that has been influencing and affecting your entire life since it happened, maybe in childhood, maybe in your teenage years or young adult life...

Turn Her Into a Tiger Slut in Bed: This is a fan-favorite because it unleashes your woman's wild, animalistic side, and yes every woman has one, sometimes it's just buried deep she is showing you parts of her you've never seen before...

3-Min Conversation to Kiss: For men who want to spend more time kissing and less time bickering with their spouse, or less time making small talk with a new woman and more time getting to know each other in bed...

$1146 Value

Get Diabetes Reversal Now:
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It's always important to talk to your doctor about any new changes in your health routine.

But be assured: many men who are going through my protocols are on pills for something or other...

And they are getting fantastic results with my protocols and doing it safely without any bad side effects.

And many times, these men are returning to their doctors and being told they don't need the pills anymore!

And what a feeling that is... and you are already well on your way!

All of the protocols in Diabetes Reversal are designed for men who want great sugars naturally, without having to rely on expensive and often harmful pills or injections.

These are protocols that focus on bringing back great erections for men, high stamina and a high drive -- because sex is one of the cornerstones of male health.

And if you're succeeding sexually, your health is going to be on the up and up too.

And with the Diabetes Reversal protocols that are all waiting for you, you'll basically rewind the clock on aging and start living like a teenager again.

The difference in how you are feeling right this moment and how you will feel after just 2 weeks of these protocols is almost immeasurable.

Just wait til you wake up and feel what you should have been feeling like every single day for the last 20 or 30 years...

Okay the answer is this...

Every man is different.

What works for you might not work for someone else and vice versa.

Do what works for you and make the process your own.

All the Diabetes Reversal protocols are broken down into simple methods that are designed to give men results very quickly.

And though every man is different, most guys report noticing a difference immediately...

Within the first few days, you're waking up with normal sugars -- no spikes or drops...

And as the day goes on, you're more stable energy wise and you are thinking more clearly.

You find your arousal spiking when you're around women, and that hasn't happened for a while...

And now you're being woken up in the night with a massive hard-on!

This is all happening day after day, week after week, for the rest of your life.

So just work it at your own pace, and please reach out if you want any advice.

100% yes.

All of my courses and protocols are designed to work together to give you the best health and sex life possible.

In fact, I highly recommend combining multiple courses and protocols of mine to get your health and sexual function exactly where you want it to be.

You can speak directly to me -- Matt Cook!

I'd love to help you out and answer any other questions you may have.

Just shoot me an email at

And if you're benefiting from Diabetes Reversal and really loving it, it'd be absolutely outstanding if you could write me a quick testimonial...

This way, I can share the good news with other men who are thinking about trying out this course...

And your success can possibly inspire thousands!

Respond in the next 0:00 minutes and try out Bigger, Badder, Better for just $1

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